A juxtaposition of cool quotes

Gertrude Stein

We are all the same age inside.

Thomas Pynchon

If they can get you to ask the wrong questions they don’t have to worry about the answers.

Don DeLillo

[Interviewer: As technology gets more advanced, our fears as a public, as a people, as human beings actually become more primitive. So, even as the world is getting ever more technologically advanced, we are becoming in many ways more sort of Cro-Magnon-like in our instincts or our reactions]

In a curious way, despite the enormous powers of technology, I think for many people it narrows the world rather than widens it. It makes facts instantly accessible, but I think as people grow into their personal technology it has the ultimate effect of creating a world that’s centered on an individual’s immediate needs, immediate desires, excluding much of what is most interesting about the lives we ought to be living. I think that whatever technology is capable of doing becomes what we desperately needed to do, and I’m not sure that’s such a hopeful situation.

Friedrich Nietzsche

This tyrant in us wreaks horrible revenge for every attempt we make to dodge or escape it, for every premature resignation, for every acceptance of equality with those among whom we do not belong, for every activity, however respectable, which distracts us from our main cause—indeed, for every virtue which would protect us from the hardness of our inmost responsibility. Every time, sickness is the response, when we want to doubt our right to our task, when we begin to make things easier for ourselves in any way. It is the easing of our burden which we must atone most harshly. And if we want to return to health afterward, we have no choice: we must assume a heavier burden than we ever carried before—

[in Christ’s words: If you bring forth what is within you what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.]

Robert Louis Stevenson

I have been made to learn that the doom and burden of our life is bound for ever on man’s shoulders, and when the attempt is made to cast it off, it but returns upon us with more unfamiliar and more awful pressure.


Open, closed, open, closed. And all the while the mind waits for it all to come to an end, waits for deliverance. The waiting, the cycles are the way the mind holds on to control, holds on to a control that it does not have, that it can never have.

Bare your heart open to being held captive by illusion. You are caught, endlessly caught. And you are fighting (and a clever fighter you are) against your own mind, against the illusion of being trapped in this endless game. You are trying to win the game but your trying to win is the game, as is your trying to let go.

Give your full consent to your circumstance. Resist not, grasp not, move not. Do not be frightened by hell or tempted by Heaven.

Joey Lott

 The mind is loud and hysterical and melodramatic.

 The heart is painful because it is continually broken open and bleeding.

 The mind divides.

 The heart welcomes.

Charles Bukowski

I don’t believe in perfection. I believe in keeping the bowels loose.

People who solved things usually had lots of persistence and some good luck. If you persisted long enough, the good luck usually came. Most people couldn’t wait on the luck, though, so they quit.

David Deida

Your gift is developed by applying consciousness to your (unresolved) issues.

Whatever you experience: you’re meant to experience and fully metabolize.

Tony Robbins

Prepare for volatility and turn them into opportunities.

Corrections and crashes occur with regularity but never last.

Uncertainty is no excuse for inaction.

Joe Rogan

You can write and you can get seeds but you’ve got to plant those seeds in the dirt of the crowd.

You’ve got to constantly throw shit at the wall for some of it to stick.